4 beneficiaries involved | 2 from widening countries, 2 from advanced countries

Masaryk University
- RationAI Group (Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Brázdil, Assoc. Prof. Petr Holub) – Faculty of Informatics & Institute of Computer Science
- Biomedical image processing laboratory CBIA (Prof. Michal Kozubek) – Faculty of Informatics
- Natural Language Processing Centre (Assoc. Prof. Aleš Horák) – Faculty of Informatics
- VisitLab (Assoc. Prof. Barbora Kozlíková) – Faculty of Informatics
- CERIT-SC (Prof. Luděk Matyska) – Institute of Computer Science

Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute
- Department of Oncological Pathology (Dr. Rudolf Nenutil)

Medical University of Graz
- Information Science and Machine Learning Research Group (Dr. Heimo Müller, Mr. Markus Plass)
- Human Centered AI Group (Prof. Andreas Holzinger)

Technical University of Berlin
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (DAI Labor) (Prof. Sahin Albayrak, Mr. Christian Geißler)